What is REALLY causing your stomach issues?

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IBS, acid reflux, ulcerative colitis, indigestion, so many digestive diseases . . . Could there be a simple solution?

Too much acid?? Do you have digestive issues such as acid reflux, IBS, ulcerative colitis, or others? What is the real cause of these issues? Many people assume it is excessive acid and only treat the symptoms, but getting to the real cause is vital. Contrary to popular belief, these issues can actually be a result of too little acid. Excessive acid can actually be a symptom of the cause. Your body may be compensating to make up for the low stomach acid which results in excess acid backing up and causing many conditions such as ulcers, heartburn, acid reflux, IBS, indigestion, excessive gas, etc.

Too little acid?? Low stomach acid also causes food to be improperly digested resulting in symptoms such as constipation, bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea, intestinal infections, food allergies or sensitivities, acne, chronic fatigue, parasites, dry skin or hair, weak or cracked nails, asthma, depression, osteoporosis, immune problems, candida, and more. Stomach acid is needed to kill bacteria and other infections we’re exposed to daily; therefore, it also affects the immune system also. Because stomach acid is needed to break down our food correctly, protein, minerals, and nutrients are not absorbed properly. This results in many of the listed symptoms including feeling sluggish, sapping our brain power and contributing to the promotion of other chronic diseases. Calcium may build up because of not being properly digested resulting in soft tissue calcification which contributes to issues such as arthritis, bursitis, cataracts, neuritis, kidney stones, gall stones, and tarter build up.

True or False: Drink more water. Many people are convinced that our body is too acidic. It’s a great selling point in getting consumers to buy lots of water or buy alkaline water systems which actually can cause more damage. In fact, it is more common for our bodies to be too alkaline. As we age, our stomach acid weakens causing our stomach acid to become less acidic. In addition, drinking large amounts of water can flush out electrolytes and reduce stomach acid. According to the FDA, lowering stomach acid for more than eight weeks is dangerous. Taking medications to lower stomach acid is not the answer. It simply temporarily eliminates a symptom. These medications will, unfortunately, decrease stomach acid even more. It can also increase risk for stomach cancer and ulcers.

Increasing acid. An unusual fix for this problem, unknown to most people, is adding additional acid to the stomach to resolve the stomach from overcompensating from too little acid. Acetic acid is an effective source for your stomach. Acetic acid increases your stomach acid and is a great way to prevent the stomach pH from getting too high. This reduces acid reflux and allows better digestion of food resulting in effective absorption of protein, nutrients, and minerals. Acetic acid also helps to flush out protein waste if consuming high protein or on a ketosis diet.

Consumable stomach aid. The best palatable source of acetic acid is found through a long fermented kombucha. The longer fermentation time increases acetic acid and reduces sugar. The double fermentation time makes it very effective, yet without tasting like vinegar.  This also increases enzymes, cultures, and other beneficial acids to aid in digestion. In addition, Purely Living Kombucha has the probiotic called Saccharomyces boulardi. This probiotic gives further aid by keeping gut bacteria in balance. Proper gut health appears to be a key to fighting against chronic diseases.

Effective and safe source. Because of the effective way Purely Living Kombucha is fermented, people are raving about its success with their digestive disorders in addition to its great taste. Many customers also state it helps with their energy, arthritis, candida, constipation, stomach issues, weight loss, immune system, plus more. In addition, Purely Living is FDA inspected and regulated for additional assurance of safety and purity. This FDA regulation assures that the kombucha is pure and produced and stored in a safe manner keeping it safe from harmful bacteria and other pathogens. For locations of Purely Living Kombucha, click here.






